Having been visiting this tiny hamlet for nearly 40
years we have a close relationship with all our French friends and neighbours.
During the winter months members of the hamlet 'events commitee', (a committee
in the very simplest terms) organise a number of 'Tea Dances' in Chatillon and
the profits from these dances fund some community events in the summer.
On the 2nd August we held our annual 'mechuoi', a
lunch and dinner with boules and card games in between. We are always involved
in the preparations and running of the event during the day, its wonderful to
be part of the community something that unfortunately we do not always find in
the fast paced life in the UK. Mechuoi has its origins in North Africa and
roasting a sheep over a log barbecue is central to the events dining
experience. So at the crack of dawn the fire is lit and the sheep from a local
farmer is put on to roast.
Both Maureen and I were there at 8.00am sharp to
help prepare the event, this despite being out the night before until 1.00am,
All the helpers had a pause for breakfast at 9.00pm, the offal from the sheep
is fried along with garlic and herbs and sandwiches of French bread made
----along with the statutory glass of local wine. We then set up the trestle
tables, lay the plates etc and hang up the bunting. On top of all of this we
also had new guests arriving at the cottage so had to escape the preparations
to give the cottage its normal thorough clean and prepare....a busy day indeed.
All the locals from baby to grandmas in wheelchairs
start to arrive around 12.15pm with much hand shaking and kissing all round.
This year the aperos were made by the local children supervised by some adults
produced a startling collection of tasty morsels which was all washed down with
some very nice lemon / sugar / Sauvignon apperitif especially made by our
neighbour Alain.
Everyone sat down for the starters and then the
sheep was removed from the spit and carved for serving.
This, of course, is France so the afternoon meal
continues with cheese, multiple choices of desert made by another local family
all washed down with copious amounts of local wine. Around 6.00pm we stop
eating etc and the Boules / cards games start....
Yes you have to have staying power to survive the
day. This being a Saturday we also had new guests arriving so once settled in
they were invited down to join the evening meal. You can spot them here looking
rather pensive although Joshua who is 14 is putting on a great smile.
Our new cottage guests having arrived late afternoon were invited to join the evening meal, Josh is putting on his best smile. |
The eating, drinking and festivity continues and by
1.30am we were finished - a wonderful day with wonderful neighbours and
friends, it is indeed a privilege to be involved. Next day we were up bright
and early to wash dishes and clear away tables etc.