The outside thermometer touched 34c this afternoon, has the warm weather arrived? Of course this level of heat has side effects, only 15 kilometers away they had storms with hailstones the size of golf balls and this has caused all manner of damage.
Last week we had three days in Normandy for the 70th Commemorations of the D Day landings. I was impressed with the tactful and professional events put on by the French organizations across Normandy. There were people attending from all the original participating countries with many from the USA.
Pipers from the Scottish borders at Pegasus Bridge |
Spitfires, a Lancaster and other planes of the period provided an emotional fly past |
Dozens of WW2 motorcycles toured the area |
Throughout the day services were held remembering all of those who made the ultimate sacrifice in 1944 |
Last but not least the cottage garden is starting to show all its colour as summer arrives.