Sunday, 30 September 2018

At the Paddock

Chatillon, a short drive from the cottage is a sleepy little town with a long history of leather manufacturing that is now long past other than grand the buildings once owned by the tannery barons and tannery owners. France, just like the UK also suffers from high street trading difficulties and Chatillon is no different. Fortunately we have a great supermarket and Brico/hardware store so unlike many small towns everything is still available close at hand along with the remaining shops on the small high street (Rue Grand). 

New businesses on the high street are very welcome indeed and everyone was very pleased when a couple from Paris took over one of the small bars and developed a bar/café/brasserie in the centre of town. The couple have a history connected with the Yamaha GP team and Nichole comes from Chatillon so the place is appropriately named 'The Paddock'. In addition to a range of simple food, beers and wine they organise a monthly concert with folk singers etc. 

They are very friendly and welcoming so if you are in town relax and enjoy a coffee or a drink at the Paddock.

Holiday cottage and camping - great for bikers @

Maureen and me with our 1980 Gold Wing Motorcycle and sidecar at the Paddock